Anniversary CelebrationPhoto AlbumMemoriesSubmit MemoriesContact Us

the website dedicated to the life of Harrybill and Cleo Huffman. As we celebrate their 50 years of marriage, we thank the many friends and family who have shared much love and kindness throughout the years.

Please take a moment to sign the Guest Book or to Submit Memories. If you have pictures that you would share, please mail them to us. We will be glad to make copies and return the original to you.

The big event - the 50th anniversary reception and renewal of vows occured on June 2, 2002. We appreciate so much all who traveled from near and far to attend the ceremony. It was truly a celebration.

The cat is out of the bag! Those of you who attended were able to see the surprise presentation of "Blue Eyes and Blondie - 50th Wedding Anniversary" - the pictorial journey down memory lane. This is one reason why this web site had not been completed - we didn't want to post all the pictures we had acquired for the presentation - it would have ruined the surprise! We will be converting the presentation to either a CD or VHS format if anyone would like to own one. Please request a copy here. We will contact you as soon as they are available.

Developed and Designed by Cindy J. Cook, WebStream Design Group